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How to Hire and Choose the Right Floor Tiler in Perth

A floor tiler is a tradesperson who installs, repairs, and restores floors. A typical floor tiler's duties may include:

– Installing new or replacement flooring

– Patching up holes and tears in flooring, If you want to hire a floor tiler in Perth you may consider from Gun-Tiling.

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– Stripping and re-coating old finishings from floorboards

– Replacing missing boards or tiles

– Resurfacing whole floors

The Different Types of Floor Tilers

There are three main types of floor tiling: drywall, masonry, and tile.

Drywall tiling is the most common type of flooring in Australia. It is made up of large sheets of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that are joined together with adhesive. 

Masonry tiling is similar to drywall tiling, but the sheets are made from brick or stone. The joints between the bricks or stones are sometimes filled with mortar, but more often they are just sealed with a layer of sealant.

Tile is the most decorative type of flooring. Tiles are made from small pieces of ceramic or glass that are glued together like Legos. Tile can be used for floors, walls, and even ceilings. 

How to Hire a Floor Tiler in Perth

When it comes to flooring, you can never have too many options. This is especially true in Perth, where there are so many beautiful and unique floors to choose from. 

1. Do your research

When it comes to flooring, there are a lot of different types and styles available. So before you make any decisions, make sure you do your research. 

2. Talk to friends and family

If you don't have time or access to do any research, ask your friends and family for their recommendations. They likely have experience with different types of flooring and may be able to steer you in the right direction.